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Natmed Medical Defence is a leading and highly specialised malpractice indemnity brokerage with long-standing and established relationships with top insurers in the South African, UK and European markets.
At Natmed we understand that comprehensive and uninterrupted coverage is imperative to healthcare practitioners, irrespective of market changes.
For over 25 years we have been the leading medical malpractice brokerage in the insurance industry ensuring that cover is obtainable via Natmed across a broad spectrum of risks and unexpected incidents, which could affect you, your staff, groups and the establishment within which you practice.

In-house underwriting
Our insurance policies are designed in-house by top insurance underwriters, and mathematicians who excel at actuarial work with input from top insurance lawyers. This ensures that you enjoy the benefits of the highly specialised coverage presently available within the healthcare and insurance industry.
Our team of experts at Natmed has created a blueprint of insurance products using technoscientific methods of underwriting, and the relevant legal principles applicable to insurance claims. We focus on the risk factors involved in particular areas of specialty, the circumstances under which the insurer will bear the risk and to what extent the risk will be covered, and negotiate the premium to be charged by insurers in relation to these and various other factors.
We understand cover options in relation to occurrence-based or claims-made cover, and are always at your disposal to explain the difference.

Continuity of Cover
We manage the complexities involved in finding, renewing and updating insurance appropriate to your needs, incident reporting, assessing premiums against cover, product development, claims notifications processes, defence and enquiry support and settlement administration. We therefore relieve you of the time-consuming and sometimes overwhelming insurance issues and allow you to deal with the demands of your practice. Our team at Natmed is available to explain and assist with the process in a step-by-step manner, using the sophisticated software and databases at our disposal. In so doing, we endeavour to maintain the highest standard of insurance-broking capabilities for you.
You may rest assured that Natmed has a vast resource of experience in arranging cover for multiple medical specialities, a range of private hospitals and in all fields of healthcare specialisation. This includes one of the most complicated fields of specialisation – that of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Natmed has focused on securing comprehensive cover for obstetricians from the outset 25 years ago, and we will assist you until long after your retirement, especially since children’s claims can be made 19 years after birth, so you need our help to get covered!

We invite you to register and log in so that we can provide you with our independent advice, information relating to the coverage suited to you and your practice, and a free quotation for your specialist cover.

You can also get in touch on:

Office: 0860 NATMED (628633) or 0844 NATMED (628633)